Does Eye Yoga REALLY Work? Eye Doctor Reacts to Paul McCartney's Eye Exercises to Improve Vision

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Dr. Allen reacts to Paul McCartney’s eye exercises to improve vision! Eye yoga exercises have been a growing topic across the media, but does yoga for the eyes really work? Many videos and blogs feature people teaching these eye vision exercises to improve eyesight, but unfortunately, there is little to no scientific evidence for it.

Recently, the famous Sir Paul McCartney was featured on the Table Manners Podcast where he briefly discussed his eye yoga methods which according to him, is why he has such excellent vision well into his late 70s.

In this video, Dr. Allen breaks down how the eyes really work and how he thinks Sir Paul McCartney is able to see without needing glasses.

Time Stamps:
Paul McCartney Eye Yoga Routine - 1:00
How do eye exercises work? Pupil Constriction 1:57
The Pinhole Effect - 2:15
Pencil Pushup eyesight exercises - 3:11
Presbyopia - 4:04
Why some people don't need glasses in old age - 4:51
Eye exercises to improve vision -

What is Presbyopia and how to deal with it:

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#eyeyoga #doctoreyehealth #paulmccartney

About this video: Does eye yoga work? In this video, Joseph J. Allen, OD FAAO, an eye doctor reacts to eye exercises. Eye yoga are eye exercises claimed to help improve eyesight. However, there is little to no evidence to eye yoga exercises (not to be confused with vision therapy). So how does Paul McCartney see so well although he is in his late 70s? Dr. Allen reviews how the eyes work and why he thinks Paul McCartney is able to see so well.
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